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¡Comienza la cuenta atrás!

Porque hay que volver a casa para reencontrarse a uno mismo, yo comienzo ya los preparativos de mi nuevo viaje. ¡Me empezaba a echar de menos!

sábado, 28 de agosto de 2010

Bye Hello Baby

Now that I've already watched the whole Hello Baby I really feel so fuckin' empty!!! WHY DID IT HAS TO END!!?? Anyways, I'll watch it again. Not now, not tomorrow but about April. Now I really want to write THE fic with Jelly but I don't know if there's time or if we can be that strong to sit and start to write. How can it be possible to five people to be that cool and fantastic? It must be paranormal.
Well...after my nestea is drank I only wish for this day to go to the Melva's swimming pool.
Pd: Making a draw for Jelly is taking so much time, I want it to be perfect and so fuckin "kyute".
Pd2: JH (L)


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