Yesterday I've met my future coach and he seemed nice. Then I've gone for a walk with some...friends? and danced a lot Bonamana with Joha. Now I'm in my bedroom and I've just realized that I'm really afraid of being alone and unloved. Not just talking bout having a boyfriend, no. I'm talking bout friends and family. Overmore about friends. I've been dreaming for a couple of nights the same kind of dream: Nobody loves me and everybody hates me and people always say stuff like "I'm so sorry, I try to but I can't, u don't like me"-i repeat, not in a LOVE mood, in a friendly and family mood, and I think that's worse. Well...but that's my life. DO I REALLY MUST TO BE IN THE HABIT OF BEING ALONE? And about the fact that my few friends live so far away from me right now I'm really worried because I really NEED them but probably I'm just letters on a screen, am I?
Someday I'll probably end like Britget Jones, fat, single and singing "All by myseeeeeeelf don't wanna beeee, All by myseeeelf anymooore"
PD: The Fuckin' laptop doesn't wanna upload my pics! ¬¬
flyfaraway |
Bach 16
? trainers, adidas, tumblr, photos, camera, food, Kpop, Sex and the City, We Got Married, disney films, lyric, hip hop, Asia, awake nights, myself, money,
shorts, old jeans, summer, beach,donuts, Javi, the smell of rain, baloons, novels, Tokyo, white, airplanes, dancing, ballet...
? / ? /
href=""target="blank">? |
Joha |
¡Comienza la cuenta atrás!
Porque hay que volver a casa para reencontrarse a uno mismo, yo comienzo ya los preparativos de mi nuevo viaje. ¡Me empezaba a echar de menos!
I'll always love you Lilly.