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¡Comienza la cuenta atrás!

Porque hay que volver a casa para reencontrarse a uno mismo, yo comienzo ya los preparativos de mi nuevo viaje. ¡Me empezaba a echar de menos!

lunes, 16 de agosto de 2010

Happy List

Today I've recieved my jelly's postcard and I'm SO HAPPY. I think I needed it. It was so random and when my mother did read "Lilo" said "Liliana, there's something for you" hehehehe. Today, when I was in the beach I decided to do a list of "why i SHOULD be happy right now"-I was inspired by reading Jelly's decision-and that's what i got:

-Korean world is too perfect to be sad, so they can get my hormones high and happy whenever I'm sad.
-I have a so random, cute, cool and adorable friend called Jelly so I don't need much more.
-This Saturday my daddy come back home.
-My mother is going to propose my father that I should live with him (so so so so so HAPPY about this fact)
-I've been accepted on a football team.
-Key rules.
-I think I have a date...hehehehé...but I'm not that sure about this xD

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